Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seeing with Spiritual Eyes

Ever wonder how a person's perspective can be totally different from the other? This is what I've been discovering these few days. And the sad thing is, I had to agree with what Siow Jin pointed out: My perspective are very unbiblical. There's a lot of things that I used to think the tis no big deal and now I realized, it's super big deal!! Of course, I wanna thank God for opening my spiritual eyes and continues to do so. There's still gonna be a lot to work on and I'm gonna be cooperative this time.
I do need strength from God to talk and confront Mel of her sins. Not because I'm better but because I've experienced the peace and joy from God for doing what is pleasing in His eyes.
Thank You Abba Father for everything You've been showing me this last few weeks. I know You have more to work on and that You're gonna do it as much as I can take it so I pray that You'll continue to give me wisdom. I love You Lord!!
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Be Prepared!!

Mood depends on attitude. When I've decided to be discipline, I get done with preparation for class -> confident -> happy!! So, the lesson is... Always be prepared!!
That reminds me, we need to be prepared in all circumstances so that we would not be caught off guard. Be prepared with non-believers/believers' accusation, questions, doubts and we'll be able to answer them!!
The other important lesson today: Be bold and courageous and speak out when you see your brothers and sisters are in sin!! Do not procrastinate and do not give excuse!! Let them know the truth in love so that they may see Christ through us. Besides, we are supposed to encourage one another and build each other up!!
Thank You Abba Father for the day full of blessings. Teach me to count my blessings everyday that one day it'll become my character. Thank You and I love You, Lord!!
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photo session!!

Uni magazine photo session day!! How time flies!! As photo session starts, graduation seens to be drawing nearer. Excitement. Fear. Stress. Mix feelings.
How nice to be able to just dress up and look good and pretty all the time!! But undeniable, looks without brain just aren't attractive. Only when there's character, wisdom with fear of the Lord and love for all mankind is a person attractive.
Thank You Abba Father for making me beautifully. Help me to focus on You instead of outward beauty. Help me to overcome my laziness but instead search for all knowledge to equip myself for Your purpose. Help me to practice the fruit of the Spirit and be more and more like You each day. Thank You Lord. I love You.
Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chilling time!!

It's been a very relaxing day. Online, watch movie and cook dinner. Not a bad idea to do this once a month!! Anything more than that makes it a waste of time!! Chilling can lead to laziness. Remember not to fall into that trap. Do something useful between breaks makes chilling more worthwhile!!
Now that chilling time is over, it's time to get ready for the new week and new challenges ahead!!
Thank You Abba Father for this time of Rest & Relax. Pray that next week will be full of good surprises as I open Your gifts daily. Love You Lord!!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Instrument of God

Whenever I hear someone breaks up, it saddens me. But in a case when it's not a God-honoring relationship, it gives me joy. Many things could have been done but the most important things is what can be done now. I pray for boldness to be a Jesus Freak and I pray that God will soften her heart.
I know part of me is excited. But this time, I'm not doing anything by my own strength. I'm letting God use me as an instrument to show His love. I might need to remind myself more than once. But I have faith in God!! If He can use anything, He can use me.
Abba Father, I'm committing myself into Your service. Help me to deny myself and carry the cross. So that I'll be so busy, I won't be a backseat driver!, I love You Lord and I definitely grew much more in love with You than yesterday!!
Isaiah 63:14
Yet, O Lord, You are our Father, 
we are the clay, You are the potter,
we are all the work of Your hand.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Walking wisely... 

Be aware of who you hang out with!! You might not be best friends, but as soon as you start hanging out, you're putting yourself at risk of gossip and before you know it, you're haunted by the gossips!! Although God can use every bad situation for His purpose, some of it are really consequences of bad decisions. So, keep this is mind!!
On the other hand, if you hang out with godly people, you might not be making perfect decisions and hearing the right thing all the time but at least you know that each other is sincere and if you really made a wrong decision, you can learn together and cry together.
Sometimes, people might bad mouth you and say Christians think they are better, therefore they do not hang out with others. Take that as a compliment!! Don't give in to them and lower your standards, instead pray that they might see the difference and would want to know God too!!
Life is really all about perspective, therefore we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, so that we may see things our Heavenly Father sees. Abba Father, thank You fir opening my eyes into things according to my ability to accept them and help me not to run ahead of You!! I love You, Lord!!
Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
P/s: I need to write more, coz when I read back, I wonder what did I learn on those empty days!! There's a feeling of emptiness. Blessings from God that was not remembered...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Real Joy 

Another wonderful day!! Ing Lee told me she and Soon Chen are back together again. I'm so happy to hear that. It's real joy to know that this time it's pleasing in God's eyes. I realized how important it is to obey God so that life will be full of joy and without consequences!! This will serve as a reminder for the rest of my life!! REAL JOY!!
Hw good it is to be at peace with God. You know you can handle life no matter what comes your way. The kings in the Book of 1 King may seem to be cruel and heartless but when they're after God's own heart, He gave them victory and abundant blessings. Follow the book of life!! It has all the instructions needed for life, besides God is a living God. Advice is right beside you!!
Abba Father, let me not stray away from You and that I would not be desensitized by the world!! Instead, help me to draw closer to You each day!! Thank You Lord!!
Romans 8:5
Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Yaru's Birthday

It's the first time I'm celebrating with her but I hope it won't be the last!! We had a great time hanging out at her place. She prepared dinner and we prepared special presents!! I had a hard time getting a present!! Flowers are too expensive and not much of use while she won't need anything since she'll be graduating this year too!! Eventually, we got her a fruit bag and Bro Kevin brought her a pork-rib bag!! Talk about special presents!!
It's been an emotional week. Not just merely being emotional, but a lot of thinking going on. After reading Justin Lookadoo's 97 Random Thoughts, it's giving me a lot of useful random thoughts too!! Too much to do with too little time and discipline and at the same time not knowing where to start!!
Anyway, I'm in s random thought mood tonight and I've come out with a list of dos for tomorrow and retiring early for the night. Thank You, Abba Father, for this beautiful night and u definitely love You more today than yesterday!!
Proverbs 4:18
The path of the righteous is the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
Note on 7/10/12:
Looking back on this entry, I believe Justin Lookadoo was my inspiration of random thoughts. He was the one telling me it's ok to have random thoughts and it's ok to be weird. He's also the motivator to what I am and does today. That doing something out of my profession is okay and that meeting up with people and sharing random thoughts are okay. And most importantly, I believe a lot of things started because of the courage to do something different too!!
Some of it on the list are:
Spending more time in church family than work. Fellowship over dinner, planning random trips, starting Health Information Centre, planning events. The list can be long, but I believe the reason of living life to the fullest and passion for Christ started at this time of my life.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Time flies.. 3rd month of year 2010. Graduating in less than 4 months!! It was a great night. Hearing Bro Kevin share about Church and family. It's all about attitude. My attitude towards Church people. Church cannot help me grow spiritually if my heart is not right!! It's the first time that I understood the phrase 'Love the person but not the sin!!' Indeed it's a great love!! Whenever I need to remember that, I should remember how Bro Kevin love Tracy despite how rebellious she was!! Prayer does work!!
I like to experience God this way!! Hearing godly people share their views and how they handle worldly decisions and situations in a godly way!! Let me be one of the person the shines God's glory!! I kinda feel Siow Jin's obsession and passion for Christ!! I do need encouragements from brothers and sisters in Christ. Always remember this!! This is an important weapon!!
Thank You, Abba Father for letting me feel You and giving me answers to my questions!! Now I know how to differentiate good choices and best choices!! The peace of heart!! I feel it today!! Your grace is sufficient!! Amen!!
Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
P/s: Getting lawyer letter vs not getting (so that someone can collect my certificate in case I'm already back in Malaysia by then) - Of course get it. God will provide the money, just get it done and out of the way from spending time with God!! (In view that otherwise I'll be worrying about this most of the time!!)
** Retrospective note on July 8, 2012
Good test on 'Is money your master?'
Do you use money to make life easier or do you put yourself in a position where you have more worry in order to save or make money!!