Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday

My 27th birthday will be one that I'll never forget. Unfortunately not in a good way.
The day started bright despite being on night shift. Birthday wishes that puts a smile on my face was flowing in from everywhere!! Shift ended at 8am and home i go!! Mel surprised me with a gift box with loads of cute things!!

Even double shift post night wasn't able to put me into depress mode!!
Unfortunately the day did not end as well as it started. At 5am i found out a shocking news. Julynn's husband of 1 year died the day before her birthday. I later found out that Brandon fell from the 4th floor of their apartment n plunged to his death due to hemothorax and multiorgan injury. And now we had to face the truth that Julynn is a widow n her life would be very different from their dream together.
Dear Lord, please hold our hearts together in this trial we face and we'll learn to trust You n draw strength from You. I love You Lord!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Past pointing - finger nose test, missed finger 
Intentional tremor - finger nose test, zigzag path 
Romberg's test - unstable on standing still for 30 sec 
Dysdiadokinesia - hand coordination test 

Finger-to-nose test. 
A. Normal: Smooth trajectory throughout movement. 
B. Cerebellar hemisphere dysfunction: Tremor increases in amplitude as finger approaches target. 
C. Parkinsonian: Tremor may be present at initiation of movement, but smoothes out as finger approaches target. 
D. Essential tremor: Low-amplitude fast tremor throughout trajectory, may worsen as finger approaches target.

Urine toxicity test 
1. MAMP - Methamphetamin 
2. KET - Ketamin 
3. COC - Cocaine 
4. BZD - Benzodiazepine 
5. AMP - Amphetamine 
6. THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol (product of cocaine) 
7. PCP - Phencyclidine 
8. OPI - Opioid 
9. MDMA - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

Saturday, June 2, 2012

CLC Orang Asli Mission Trip

A group of 29 of us set out for the orang asli village at Cameron Highlands on the first day of June. We reached the 19th mile orang asli village at 4pm the same day.
We were welcomed warmly by the 19th mile Lutheran Church pastor, Ps Chu and the members. We started the session with the songs 'Hari Ini' and 'Dalam Yesus Kita Bersaudara'. We could hear the joy and love from the singing.
We then had games with the children where we were able to experience the purity of childhood. Then it was skit time where the children took part in puppetry and retold the Garden of Eden story!! What an eye opening experience as to how well they know the story and their talents!! After that, we had a hygiene talk where we emphasized on the importance of hygiene in daily life.
The sessions ended with prayer for the orang asli ministry, the members and in return they prayed for us. We then bid our goodbyes and headed to our lodging place for the night, the Lakeview campsite.